E-Journals & Journals

Smart Ports

Port Technology is pleased to announce that the newest edition of its e-Journal is now available, featuring key papers from Europe’s

Supply Chain Collaboration

Port Technology is pleased to reveal the latest edition of its e-Journal, which features papers from leading academics and consultants like Yossi

Delivering Performance

As the automation trend continues to grow rapidly in the ports and terminals sector, key stakeholders are looking for ways to

5G, AI, ML & Exponential Tech

Port Technology is proud to release Edition 83, an exclusive e-Journal with papers from Deloitte, the Port of Hamburg, Telefonica and

Port-Centric Logistics

Edition 82 focuses on port-centric logistics, a field that has become increasingly referenced in an age of end-to-end supply chains and

Terminal Automation Design

Edition 81 focuses on port terminal automation design and is the first ever PTI edition to feature video optimized papers! The edition

Ports of the Future

This edition of The Journal of Ports & Terminals sees the world’s leading smart ports articulate their operations, practices and plans

Smart Ports & Supply Chains

The supply chain is altering to fit a smarter future; technologies once perceived as threats are quickly becoming opportunities. This edition

Linking the Supply Chain

The modern port has to think beyond its immediate sphere in order to countenance the supply chain of the future, and

AI & Intelligence

PTI Edition 77 sees the launch of three new subsections of the Automation Section: Artificial Intelligence, Automated Intelligence, and Supply Chain

Cyber Risk & Security

PTI Edition 76: Cyber Risk & Security. This edition looks at the growing call for improved cybersecurity in ports and terminals.

Mega-Ports & Mega-Terminals

PTI Edition 75: Mega-Ports & Mega-Terminals. This edition looks at the rapid expansion and digitization of ports to handle mega-ships.

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