E-Journals & Journals

Automation Innovations

As we enter the second half of 2020 the full effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are now being realised across the

Connecting Ports With 5G

The fifth generation of wireless communications is coming. Known as 5G it is set to reshape our relationship with wireless connectivity.

Automation’s Next Step

This edition of The Journal considers automation of container terminals and how the industry is delivering the next steps towards full

E-commerce Evolution

The latest eJournal explores the E-commerce Evolution and how the likes of Amazon, eBay and Alibaba are changing the landscape of

A Sustainable Future

One topic that will define the 2020s is climate change. Already this year we have seen the wealthiest people on the

Innovative Container Handling

Welcome to Edition 90, which has a special focus on innovations within container handling. This edition sees four key companies outline

Smart Digital Ports

This edition of the Journal of Ports & Terminals acts as a precursor to the Smart Digital Ports of the Future


Port Technology is very pleased to announce that the latest edition of its e-Journal is now available, featuring a host of

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