MSC will suspend its 2M Sequoia service until further notice due to plummeting demand for shipments into the US West Coast.
As from vessel GERNER MAERSK, voyage 242N – PF position 18 October in Ningbo, and until further notice, there will be no more sailings on the Sequoia service.
“Due to significantly reduced demand for shipments into the US West Coast during the past weeks, MSC will be taking certain actions in order to strengthen our offered transit times and reliability. We will therefore temporarily suspend our Sequoia service under 2M until further notice to alleviate existing port congestion,” the major carrier wrote in a recent advisory.
READ: New York, Savannah bearing brunt of US East Coast congestion
The Sequoia service will be merged into the Jaguar service, with the following rotation:
Shekou – Nansha – Yantian – Ningbo – Shanghai – Long Beach – Busan
The US West Coast is experiencing a drain of boxes further towards the US East Coast with a plethora of factors – such as congestion and ILWU/PMA contract negotiations – moving shippers away from its ports.