Maersk, Hamburg Süd crowned September’s most reliable carriers

Schedule reliability rises to nearly 65 per cent

Global schedule reliability rose by 1.2 percentage points month-over-month (MoM) in September 2023 to 64.4 per cent, according to Sea-Intelligence.

Except for the uptick in May, schedule reliability has been within 2 percentage points since March 2023.

The new data comes from Sea-Intelligence’s issue 146 of the Global Liner Performance (GLP) report.

© Sea-Intelligence

On a year-over-year (YoY) basis, schedule reliability increased by 19.0 percentage points. The average delay for LATE vessel arrivals reduced by 0.09 days MoM to 4.58 days. With the MoM reduction, the average wait for LATE vessel arrivals is currently 1.30 days shorter than it was at the same period last year, found Sea-Intelligence.

READ: Container lines’ schedule reliability drops at the beginning of 2023

© Sea-Intelligence

READ: Schedule reliability bull run loses momentum

Maersk and Hamburg Süd were the most dependable top 14 carriers in September 2023, with 71.3 per cent schedule dependability, followed by MSC with 69.8 per cent.

In May, it was reported that Maersk was the most reliable carrier in Q1 2023 with a schedule reliability of 63.6 per cent, with MSC the only other carrier with figures higher than 60 per cent.

Six additional carriers, including MSC, achieved schedule dependability of 60 per cent to 70 per cent. Four other carriers had schedule dependability of 50 per cent to 60 per cent, with HMM being the only carrier with a schedule reliability of less than 50 per cent.

In September 2023, 10 of the top 14 carriers had a MoM gain, with PIL seeing the biggest increase of 7.3 percentage points.

On a YoY basis, 13 of the 14 carriers improved by double digits, with Hamburg Süd improving by the most, 26.8 percentage points.

In August, Sea-Intelligence Global Liner Performance (GLP) report showed a decline in global schedule reliability by 0.9 MoM to 63.2 per cent.

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