Canada has elected a new Prime Minister to a fanfare of media coverage. Justin Trudeau of the Liberal Party was elected on October 19, 2015, and is symbolic of a new Canada, open to trade and a new politics.
Justin Trudeau has also been a favourite across social media, where he was recently shown supporting 66 year’s of India’s independence by participating in an Indian Bhangra dance. He has also been photographed at a number of social events and surprised fans with recent charity boxing match win against Conservative senator and political rival Patrick Brazeau in 2012.
Mr Trudeau’s party is aligned with the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership (TTP); an initiative aimed at removing trade barriers for industrial goods between 12 Pacific countries, including the US, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and Canada.
Yet Trudeau has stated he wants to ensure Canadian interests are defended if TTP is to come into action – a policy that would surely boost container growth for the participating countries, yet concerns around national autonomy on trade remain.
According to the Huffington Post, Mr Trudeau has previously expressed that he is not only ‘pro-trade’ but also ‘pro-parliament’ and that the views of communities should be heard when discussing the importance of economic policy.
Justin Trudeau made the following statement: “The Liberal Party of Canada strongly supports free trade, as this is how we open markets to Canadian goods and services, grow Canadian businesses, create good-paying jobs, and provide choice and lower prices to Canadian consumers.
“Canadians deserve to know what impacts this agreement [TTP] will have on different industries across our country.
“The federal government must keep its word and defend Canadian interests during the TTP’s ratification process – which includes defending supply management, our auto sector, and Canadian manufacturers across the country.”
Canadian ports are also anticipating how the new Prime Minister will have an impact on Canadian trade while he is in office.
Global Container Terminals recently stated that the new TTP agreement will be a key development in ensuring that Canada has access to a wider market.
Stephen Edwards, President and CEO of GCT Global Container Terminals, said: “Firstly on behalf of GCT Global Container Terminals, I want to extend sincerest congratulations to our new Prime Minister on his historic win.
“GCT is excited about the campaign commitments made towards record investment in public infrastructure. Canada is a nation built through trade. Trade is the lifeblood of our economy.
“The opportunity presented by the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement will enable Canada to become the only country globally with free trade access to world’s three largest markets. Details on the TPP must be fleshed out, but we believe ratification should proceed as it is good for Canada.
“Government investment must focus on off-dock trade supporting infrastructure, such as public roads and grade separations along Canada’s critical gateway corridors.
“This enables Canadian private sector companies such as GCT to invest in terminal infrastructure and operations so we can reach our fullest potential.”
TTP could be seen as a transpacific alternative to the China-centric Maritime Silk Road, which aims to tighten trade ties between Asia and Europe.
Read a Technical Paper on Sri Lanka’s involvement in the Silk Road Initiative
Watch Justin Trudeau's Bhangra dance: