Virginia Sets 2014 TEU Record


A new TEU record has been set by the Port of Virginia after it surpassed its previous annual total set in 2013.

According to the Virginia Port Authority, the port handled more than 2.3 million TEU in 2014, a 7.6% increase in comparison to 2013.

CEO and Executive Director of the Virginia Port Authority, John F. Reinhart, said: “In 2014, we moved 169,000 more TEU than we did in 2013, which until now was our most productive year on record.

“The growth is significant, but it has created significant challenges as well, especially in service levels for our motor carriers.The focus is to continue to grow, within reason and within our capabilities, strive for consistency at our gates and operations, maintain profitability and do these things with a sense [of] urgency and responsibility.

“The growth is a tribute to our team and our port partners, but our enthusiasm is tempered, as we are cognisant of the fact that we have much work to do on building infrastructure and developing processes to maintain the business and grow the port.”

The port recorded strong volumes in December, 2014 when the port handled more than 200,000 TEU, a 12.3% increase compared to the same period of 2013.

Mr. Reinhart said: “Our volume is tracking for a record fiscal year as well: at the half-way point we’re up 8%.”

Virginia Sets 2014 TEU Record. (Source: Flickr)

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