Due to billing US military cargo via the use of false container weight invoices, Damco and Farrell Lines have been issued with a US$3.7 million fine, after having falsified more than 560 container weight tickets, according to IHS Fairplay.
James Porter, Attorney for the US, said: “Determined federal investigators and the attorneys in my office will continue to strive to ensure that dollars paid from the public fund are properly accounted for and that value is received.”
The news comes shortly after controversy surrounding the implementation of container weighing, with some US reports that the rule is already in force, merely under a slightly different guise.
Meanwhile, the container weighing situation is such that there is still much uncertainty as to the most appropriate way to weigh the contents of the container.
European terminals and shippers globally have voiced their concerns, with many calling on their nations to provide suitable guidelines so that the upcoming regulations can be implemented effectively.