New Terminal Planned for Australia


Craig Carmody, the new CEO at the Port of Newcastle, Australia, has committed to developing a brand new container terminal.

The project is planned to boost jobs and create further business opportunities in the Hunter region of Australia, which is the nation’s largest regional economy and the biggest contributor to New South Wales’ gross domestic product (GDP).

In addition, the proposed container terminal will have better access to rail networks between Newcastle and Sydney, which will help decrease congestion on Sydney’s roads.

Economic modelling carried out by Deloitte Access Economics has also projected that the new container terminal will increase freight efficiency, moving goods at a faster and cheaper rate.

Michael Bouari discusses the threat of digital disruption across Australia in a recent Port Technology technical paper

Discussing his pledge, for a new container terminal, Carmody stated: “As a global gateway for regional Australia, the Port is ready to go. We have cost effective landside connectivity, interested shippers and a deep channel port that is operating at less than half its capacity. 

“With freight growth in NSW expected to double by 2040, a fully utilised Port of Newcastle with a world-class container terminal will provide efficiencies and competition to meet the future logistics and freight task.”

Carmody will now discuss plans for the terminal with the state government and port developers, stating: “We have already received interest from domestic and global players who want to develop a state-of-the-art container terminal with productivity performance that will be unlike any other Australian port.

“However, we cannot proceed while the NSW government imposes an artificial restriction on port competition.”

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