Long Beach to Clean California’s Air


The Port of Long Beach has received permission to implement emissions control technology developed at its port at a number of California’s seaports in order to help shippers comply with strict emissions regulations, according to The Long Beach Press Telegram.

The technology is known as Advanced Maritime Emission Control System (AMECS) and was developed using US$2 million in financial support.

Ruben Garcia, CEO of AMECS developer Advanced Cleanup Technologies, said: “The AMECS technology is where it is today because of the years of work we put in and over 1,500 hours of verifiable testing.”

The California Air Resources Board’s decision to approve the technology gives shippers another method to charging vessels while socked at ports.

Read: Environmental innovation at the Port of Long Beach

Lee Peterson, Spokeman for the Port of Long Beach, said: “The shipping lines that might be in need of this are the ones that have not been able to retrofit their ships or bring in the new ones.”

AMECS is the second emissions-control technology California regulators have approved as an alternative to shore power.

The Port of Long Beach is renowned for its environmental practices. It’s Green Port Policy has been in operation for around 10 years and has enabled the port to reduce its carbon emissions by more than 80%.

Read: How the US West Coast resolved port congestion

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