MSC Evolution to World’s Largest Ship


An infographic released by MSC shows the evolution of its range of containerships, starting with the 650 TEU MSC Alexander, which was brought into operation in 1984, right up to the MSC Oscar series, which is currently the world’s largest ship at 19,224 TEU.

The containership in general has made a massive leap in capacity in the last 50 years, with a 1,200% overall size increase since 1968.

Designs for a 22,000 TEU ship are currently rumoured to be in the pipeline.

MSC recently launched an official ceremony for its MSC ‘Zoe’, named after the daughter of Pierfrancesco Vago, Executive Chairman of MSC Cruises and Alexa Aponte Vago, CFO of MSC. The ship will join the ranks as the world’s largest ship alongside the MSC Oscar and Oliver.

(Source: MSC)

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