Belfast Harbour in Klein Systems Initiative


Saab defence and security company Klein Systems Group has recently announced that it has entered into an agreement with Belfast Harbour in Northern Ireland to install the KleinPort Port Management Information System at the harbour.

Belfast Harbour Commissioners selected Klein as the system supplier after an extensive public tendering process for a new port management system.

The Harbour will use KleinPort to manage and track its vessel operations and services, record cargo data, generate billing and execute data analysis and reporting.

Trevor Anderson, Operations Director at Belfast Harbour, said: “Belfast Harbour had identified a need for a new Port Management Information System and had a clear vision of what this should do to best support the needs of the port and its customers.

“Klein Systems demonstrated that their solution best meets all of our needs, marrying together innovation, technology, and cutting edge industry processes.”

KleinPort is said to be one of the most advanced port management systems available today and is expected to significantly increase the efficiency of the harbour.

Belfast Harbour in Klein Systems Initiative. (Source: Klein Systems)

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