Siport21 Unveil Colombian Port Studies


Siport21 has shown the nautical studies developed in the Colombian ports of Cartagena, Buenaventura and Aguadulce during the celebration of the first PIANC Congress in Colombia.

The principal aim of these projects was to support the design of new channels and terminals as well as improve the accessibility of new vessels at their facilities.

The company has carried out studies for optimising the Bocachica channel extension, both in depth and width, to permit the access of larger vessels to the Port.

Furthermore, responding to the request of Terminal de Contenedores de Buenaventura, the access conditions of container vessels from 215 to 367 metres length have been analysed.

For Sociedad Puerto Industrial de Aguadulce, the update of manoeuvring studies and real-time ship simulations were developed for the new terminal under construction.

In these studies, the tools were used to analyse the feasibility of access and operation of new vessels at actual ports, considering nautical aspects (navigation, manoeuvre, safety, mooring, etc.).

For the Colombian cases mentioned before, the analysis has meant the adaptation of the regulations, the upgrade of the equipment, reinforcement of the port structures or the extension of the access channels, terminals and/or construction of new docks.

The company continues to work to consolidate its presence in Colombia and to have the opportunity to participate in future projects as the development of the Port of Barranquilla and the improvement of the navigability of Magdalena River.

Fact File: Siport21 installs and implements numerical ship manoeuvring models and ship manoeuvring simulators in a private company in Spain. Since 1999, Siport21 has developed approximately 700 technical studies spread out over almost all the Spanish coast and they have worked in 33 other countries.

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