PTI Preferred Partner Globe Tracker International have announced the introduction of vehicle tracking and monitoring for RORO terminal operations.
The Globe Tracker Sub GHz Asset Tracker is the ideal value priced solution for global supply chain visibility for manufacturing, finished vehicle logistics and after purchase data collection and sales growth opportunities.
GT Sub GHz Asset Trackers are used to track automobiles from their start on the manufacturing line, through the manufacturing process to the end of the line, into and while in the factory inventory yard, as they are loaded for transport and travel to automobile dealerships by vessel, rail and truck, and in the dealerships’ yards until sold.
The Sub GHz Asset Tracker tracks the vehicle as it makes its way through and to the end of the manufacturing line. The Sub GHz Asset Tracker does not require direct line of sight to report the location of the asset.
As the vehicles move through the plant, the GT Infrastructure Units will provide real time visibility into movement of vehicle assets from area to area.
When a vehicle has been pulled off the line for repair or rework, the GT Infrastructure keeps tabs on the Sub GHz Asset Tracker attached to the vehicle.
Multiple assets and lines can be monitored using GT Sub GHz Asset Trackers until the automobile is finally assembled.
The Sub GHz Asset Tracker remains with the vehicle, now shown on the vehicle dashboard behind the windshield.
The car moves off the assembly line and into the inventory yard to await transport to an automobile dealership.
The GT Infrastructure is now monitoring the full vehicle inventory as it sits out in the manufacturer’s yard. This includes identification of the exact location within 1 meter of each vehicle and any unauthorized movements of all vehicles within the yard.
The GT Communications Units installed on rail cars or on over the road auto carriers will ensure the manufacturer has real time moving inventories of their vehicle assets from factory to dealership anywhere in the world, with real time data being shared by each supply chain partner and with the auto manufacturer’s finished vehicle logistics teams globally.
GT Sub GHz Asset Trackers enable marine terminals to save time, labor and improve customer satisfaction by being able to locate the vehicles quickly and efficiently.
Installed at dealerships, the same solution can provide vehicle data as soon as vehicles enter the dealership area and sharing the data with service area staff enables retrieval of service records. The solution also provides data for sales associates for vehicles parking in front of the showroom to retrieve ownership records, lease expiry and vehicle history including year, make and model for easy appraisal, thus improving the customer experience at all dealerships globally.
* GT Sub GHz Asset Trackers are permanently or temporally attached to assets and securely communicate with GT Communications and GT Infrastructure Units that they encounter. GT Communications and GT Infrastructure Units communicate the contact with GT Sub GHz Asset Trackers to the GT Cloud for device authentication and recording the contact.