The 5G Open Innovation Lab (5G OI Lab), EDGE Cluster, Washington Maritime Blue, the City of Tacoma, and partners have launched a 5G Private Network in Tacoma Tideflats to service five enterprise clients.
The clients supported by this network include: TOTE Maritime Alaska, Silverback Marine, Trident Seafoods, SAFE Boats International, and Motive Power Marine.
Joshua Berger, President and CEO of Washington Maritime Blue, said: “Ports are the lifeblood of coastal economies around the world, and there is fierce competition to stay ahead. Washington State has a ‘Blue Economy’ strategy in place to help the state create a thriving and sustainable maritime industry through 2050 and beyond.”
This pilot project provides initial network coverage for five enterprise clients while leveraging existing infrastructure, including floodlights and utility poles, to optimise cost and effort.
The network’s initial phase spans the East Blair Peninsula, where the client operations are located.
READ: Verizon Business, Port of Virginia to launch private 5G network
Scott Waller, CTO of the 5G Open Innovation Lab, spearheaded the design and implementation, collaborating with 5G OI Lab partners, including Comcast, Dell Technologies, VMware by Broadcom, Intel, Expeto, Ericsson, and others.
Waller stated: “Our goal from day one was to build an enterprise-ready private 5G network that’s extensible. The network we have today meets the needs of our current enterprise clients and can be extended to cover future clients across the Tacoma Tideflats.”
READ: Associated British Ports Builds the Port of the Future with Private 5G Network
Jim Brisimitzis, CEO and General Partner of 5G OI Lab, added: “Networks are enabling platforms to solve enterprise problems. Together with our partners and alumni, we intend to demonstrate the true potential of private connectivity, edge computing, and applications as enablers to modernise enterprises in the Tideflats and beyond.”
Maritime Blue’s Berger, stated: “Everyone at the table is united by a desire to improve data sharing across the ecosystem including trucking, rails, ships, and the environment.
“In providing access to a private network to innovators and startups seeking to apply IoT technology to Blue Economy sectors, we can amplify the Tacoma Tideflats as the prime region in North America for tech development and living wage jobs. This Field Lab allows our team to facilitate and convene specific technology challenges that address key use cases benefiting from shared data and utilisation.”
In September 2023, Nokia announced the deployment of a private wireless network for Husky Terminal and Stevedoring, a terminal operator and stevedoring firm based in Tacoma.