MPA invites stakeholders to build post-COVID-19 world

Container Cargo freight ship with working crane bridge in shipyard in singapore

The Maritime Port Authority (MPA) and the Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) have launched an open call for Joint/Collaborative Industry Projects (JIP) to encourage maritime, supply chain and technology stakeholders to address the challenges and opportunities of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a statement, the MPA said it launched the project to “build a resilient and competitive maritime sector” and increase industry capabilities.

In addition, it also wants to include “measurable outcomes in terms of enhanced safety, productivity and cost saving”, as well as “qualitative benefits in terms of enhanced workforce resilience, operations resilience and customer services resilience”.

To that end, it has invited interested technology developers in collaboration with maritime stakeholders to submit proposals and lead the JIP execution.

It said it is particularly interested in projects that involve technologies such as AI, cloud, robotics, wearables and smart/remote technology to minimise human contacts.

Furthermore, it said its Maritime Innovation & Technology (MINT) Fund will provide funding support level of up to 50% or (for impactful projects) up to 70% of the qualifying project costs.

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