Illegal shipping has been an ongoing issue around the world for a number of years, with many valuable and often unlawful items discovered inside the shipping container.
The most recent occurrence took place in Hamburg, with around $1.2 billion of cocaine seized on a container ship heading for Australia.
The following images show the diversity of illegal items packed onto container ships, with some very unlikely discoveries:
In Pictures: Illegally Shipped Substances. (Source: Speak Up for the Voiceless)
Goods can include environmental products such as timber.
In Pictures: Illegally Shipped Substances. (Source: Simcoe)
Illegal drugs such as Marijuana can be shipped in enormous quantities.
In Pictures: Illegally Shipped Substances. (Source: Guardian)
Rarer items such as ivory make up the inventory.
In Pictures: Illegally Shipped Substances. (Source: Food Safety News)
Even the more unusual items such as these edible geoducks; a type of seawater clam.
In Pictures: Illegally Shipped Substances. (Source: Neat Turtle)
Exotic creatures such as sea turtles also fit the bill.
In Pictures: Illegally Shipped Substances. (Source:
It doesn't end with marijuana. Cocaine shipments cover this customs desk in Hong Kong.
In Pictures: Illegally Shipped Substances. (Source: Hotuk Deals)
Illegal immigration is a common issue in contemporary shipping.
In Pictures: Illegally Shipped Substances. (Source: Times of Israel)
These weapons were seized at Ashdod Port in November, 2014.