Friday Focus: A TEU that’s a Portable Home


A video released by Homesthetics shows its portable home that has been constructed out of one single shipping container. It is known as the EBS Block.

It was previously reported that an architect based in Dallas, Texas had constructed his own home out of shipping containers, which spanned a total of 3,700 square foot.

In the video, the shipping container can be seen morphing into the housing design, exhibiting front and back compartments to mimic that of a real home made from bricks and cement.

According to Homesthetics, the EBS Block’s internal temperature is 80% lower compared to the outside temperature, due to the insulation installed inside and is designed to adapt to various weather conditions.

Shipping containers have been used for a number of purposes, such as the ContainerVille concept, which was designed to provide a space for young students living and working in Shoreditch, a trendy area of East London, UK.

The Japanese have also made the effort to be creative with shipping containers, having recently used them to build office blocks in Tokyo.

See below for the EBS Block concept:

(Source: Homesthetics / YouTube))

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