At around 379 metres long – the equivalent of four football pitches – and a total TEU capacity of 19,224 TEU, PTI delves deeper into what it’s really like to be inside the world’s largest container ship, the MSC Oscar.
Named after the son of Diego Aponte, the President and CEO of MSC, the MSC Oscar’s capacity spreads far wider than most container ships in operation today and while utilising the latest technologies, the ship’s efficiency is optimised, thus lowering CO2 levels per TEU.
On its own, the on-deck section of the ship is able to handle around 11,000 TEU, with the additional capacity filled by the ships ‘in-hold’ compartment.
(Source: MSC)
On a full-tank of fuel, the MSC Oscar can travel approximately 26,300 miles before it has to stock-up on fuel.
The ship requires a large team of crewmen and will need anything up to 35 crew members.
Captain Rabinger Singh of Sukhpal Maritime in Singapore, said “operating a ship of this size carries similar principles to smaller ships, in that the same navigational and safety regulations need to be met. Crew members would also be expected to have good seamanship and ship-handling skills for a vessel of this size.”
(Source: MSC)