This latest eBook from PTI explores the latest trends and technologies in automation and acts as a precursor to the upcoming PTI Terminal Automation & Training Event which is being held on June 8, 2016 in London, England.
The eBook features papers from Neil Davidson (Drewry), Dr Eva Savelsberg (INFORM), Sampo Pihkala (Konecranes), Michael Bouari (1-Stop), Kalmar, Richard Hepworth (Trelleborg); and each contributor offers an insight to contemporary automated operations or a vision of the future.
The PTI Terminal Automation & Traning Event is planned to offer C-level executives across the world a day of question and answer based sessions that offer the opportunity to explore what type of automation is correct for their unique terminal.
For those that miss out on the conference, there’s no need to worry, as this automation eBook offers a key insight of what many of ourt specialists will speak about at the event. Furthermore, each session will be filmed and made available on the PTI website.
Warning: If you are using Firefox/Mozilla, please download the file to your computer rather than opening it in your browser as you won’t have the required plug-in. This download may take up to 30 seconds.
Port Technology members and subscribers can view the e-book on the PTI app. The app can be downloaded by searching for ‘Port Tech Journal’ in Google Play and Apple app stores.