Technological progress
Compared with the current state of human machine interface science and technology, VTS systems lag years behind. This results in a significant limitation of VTS operators’ efficiency and operational comfort, preventing VTS from fully performing its role in improving the safety of navigation in port waters. Luckily, there are solutions.
The last two decades have seen unprecedented technological progress in electronics, computers and software. With that progress an important trend, that marks the Twenty-First Century, becomes evident. As technology becomes ubiquitous it stops being perceived as something strange and different. Increasingly it becomes mainstream, blends with the environment, as an indispensable part of our lives.
This is partially due to the technical capabilities of smaller and more powerful chips and displays, but also – in a large part – due to advances in human machine interfaces. It was realised that technology should no longer be a closed domain of clunky user interfaces for experts and highly trained operators. Instead the human spirit should be brought to the world of machines, which ought to become more ergonomic, intuitive and usable. Mobile phones and tablet computers are typical examples of such a human-centric approach…
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