For nearly 40 years Musco has led with vision and a pioneering spirit—incorporating new technology, such as the LED light source, and engineering new solutions that are complete, industry leading, and provide new possibilities for customers around the world. “Whether it’s an HID or LED source, our Green Generation Lighting system is a complete solution,” said Jeff Rogers, President of Musco World. “Our team of lighting certified engineers provide costeffective designs for each customised system. We offer everything from
foundation to pole top—whether they’re new poles or we’re retrofitting onto existing poles. And our Light-Structure Green system includes a compact precast concrete base to help maximise the space around the base of the poles.”
At the heart of Musco’s mission is customisation. Musco understands that no two customers, or projects, are alike. Its global team of trained experts approach each project with an open mind and innovative mindset to ensure that each of its thousands of customers—located on every corner of the globe—is getting a lighting solution that meets its unique needs.
That distinctive level of customisation is matched by the kind of leading edge technology and engineering that consistently pushes the boundaries. Musco’s advanced optics and unique reflectors for its systems deliver lighting with pinpoint precision and dramatically reduce spill light and glare. For instance, when Musco installed its LED system at the East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, each of the more than 48,000 LEDs were aimed and directed in a way that created an even wash of light across the roadway, significantly reducing glare and making it safer for the 300,000 drivers who cross the bridge daily.
Another aspect that sets Musco …
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