Outline your key products and list the items that your systems can detect in a port.
L-3 Security & Detection Systems (L-3 SDS) supplies cargo screening solutions using networked hardware and software that permits a unified and customised view of the critical information analysts need to assess cargo contents for contraband and other illicit materials, including dangerous radioactive materials. Key to an efficient and highthroughput screening operation is L-3’s ClearView software. ClearView integrates data from all scanning systems onto a single, centralised ‘Command Center’ display and includes tools for image analysis, system operations, user and asset management and computerbased training. On the hardware side, L-3 SDS supplies a full range of non-intrusive inspection solutions. These include the CX-Mobile G3, an advanced, high-energy, selfpowered scanning vehicle that can be deployed rapidly at any location; and the CX-Portal, a high-energy, drive-through X-ray inspection solution which offers a tool that tackles the high throughputs at the busiest ports and borders. L-3 SDS also provides multiple mobile and fixed platforms for radiation detection and identification.
What are the main applications of your products at ports and terminals?
Our scanning solutions enable customs and security operations to protect the supply chain by finding contraband and threats, enforcing tariffs and duties and facilitating legitimate trade, all while minimising risk. The major task is to efficiently determine the contents of the millions of containers that come through port terminals. L-3’s cargo solutions offer customs and security officers a portfolio of configurable, high-energy X-ray screening systems and radiation detection systems, as well as integration and support services.