Cargo flow optimisation: A must for modern competitive ports and maritime logistics actors





Full cargo flow optimisation is critical for ports and terminals to achieve efficiencies but achieving this demands collaboration across all stakeholders. Since the beginning of 2020, maritime digitalisation trends have accelerated. There has been an increase in the unexpected fluctuation of import and export flows; it is now more critical than ever to achieve port call optimisation.

“Partial supply chain optimisation is not enough in today’s world where changes and disruptions are a new normal due to climate change, changing trade routes due to COVID-19 and trade wars, and changes in manufacturing and food production locations and technologies,” said Simo Salminen, VP of Product and Co-founder, Awake.AI.

What is cargo flow optimisation? Awake.AI’s definition of cargo flow optimisation is exceptional transparency of ongoing cargo operations and data flow visibility to ensure the most effective use of resources and generate actionable insights for planned events.

Awake.AI suggests that a collaborative and holistic approach is imperative to attain intelligent cargo flow optimisation. “This kind of wider optimisation cannot be done alone if you are a shipping line, terminal operator/port authority or hinterland logistics operator but requires higher level, global, trusted and open data platforms like Awake.AI,” said Salminen. “Port call optimisation and wider portbound cargo flow optimisation will be a must in modern competitive ports in just a few years,” he said.

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