If the global supply chain is going to see greater innovation and improved efficiencies, collaboration between emerging start-ups and established logistics and shipping companies is critically important.
This article will explain what The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation (WSCF) has learned and why there’s a need for such collaboration. First of all, here is how the WSCF came to be.
The WSCF was founded following a series of summits in 2017 that sought to bring ‘buyers’ and ‘builders’ together in order to network and discuss their shared supply chain-related problems. Ultimately, the goal is to nurture and grow the world’s foremost open, global, multidisciplinary community of people devoted to building the supply chain networks of the future.
It has now grown to become a truly open and supportive coalition of grassroots communities focused on technology and innovation in the global supply chain. As well as start-ups, these communities count mature companies, academics from research institutions, early stage technology venture capitalists (and other late stage investors), journalists, regulators, professional service providers and all other supply chain stakeholders among their number.