25 Years of Knowledge: Supplying Software Solutions to Terminals



Interview with Elena Grebenshchikova, CEO, Solvo


Solvo has been on the market for over 20 years, in this interview for PTI’s 100th Edition Elena Grebenshchikova, CEO, Solvo, speaks about some of the milestones from those 25 years, key considerations Ports and Terminals should make when implementing new software and what is next for the company.

“Our company’s mission is to deliver customised information technology solutions to help global logistics be more efficient, safe and people-friendly even in the most complex environments where other solutions cannot work. For example, we work in the coldest and hottest ports in the World, areas with no Wi-Fi coverage, etc and we will always do whatever it takes to deliver the results even if we have to do so at our own expense, risking the profits, etc, since this is the word we give to our customers and our reputation that matters.

“The World is still going through hard times recovering from the pandemic and we are supporting all our customers in doing so. One of the latest developments that we are now offering and will be using from now on is Remote Implementation of TOS Methodology (RITM). We are now deploying our WMS solution using RITM in such areas as Tajikistan for example, TOS in Angola and Port of Antwerp in Belgium and other regions.”

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