WODA: The Impacts of Underwater Sound


A workshop which is to be hosted by the World Organisation of Dredging Associations (WODA) on March 26, 2015 is to focus on the environmental issues relating to underwater sound as a result of dredging and give delegates an opportunity to catch-up on the latest scientific knowledge and practical experiences of industry experts.

Increasingly, developers and operators working underwater are being required to consider and manage underwater sound.

The speakers to present at the event will include Dr Frank Thomsen (DHI, Denmark) who will introduce the workshop by talking about the risk assessment framework for the investigation of sound impacts.

Drawing on the results of several recent experimental studies Stephen Robinson (NPL, UK) will describe the characteristics of sound radiated during a variety of dredging operations, and identify the likely sound generation processes.

Dr Douglas Clarke (HDR, USA) will summarise the state of knowledge pertaining to predicted and demonstrated consequences of exposure to dredging sound.

The workshop is organised by the Central Dredging Association (CEDA), on behalf of WODA, and supported by Cerema (Centre for expertise and engineering on risks, urban and country planning, environment and mobility), French Maritime Cluster CMF, and Tramaf, the French federation of companies working in the maritime field.

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