Wednesday Wisdom: Protecting Commerce Intelligently


This week's Wednesday Wisdom, an interesting extract from one of PTI's technical papers, comes from Paul Simpson, Vice President & General Manager, Ports & Border Solutions at L-3 Security & Detection Systems.

The technical paper 'L-3: Protecting Commerce Intelligently' focuses on L-3 Security & Detection Systems’ take on the best way for cargo security professionals to keep a safe, secure and efficient supply chain.

Instead of looking at the infrastructure as a patchwork of standalone detection technologies from multiple suppliers, we need to look at it as a series of resources in which sensors upload important data to a larger network so that trained professionals can take appropriate action in a timely manner based on the information available to them.

This larger network ensures accessibility and enables efficiencies. It also connects people, providing valuable insight shared by users and supervisors or from organisation to organisation.

[Networking software] brings all relevant pieces of information into the same interface so that an operator can make informed decisions.

Networking technology is essential to getting the most out of the resources already deployed.

Adding either a wired or wireless connection allows data to be collected, managed and distributed.

Once all the sensors are connected, the next step is to display the resulting data in a coherent and organised fashion.

In a networked environment, data can be viewed on any number of devices, such as desktops, laptops, tablets or smartphones.

Using a networked solution, the power of many different sensors is available to aid in inspection through a unified system.

Security is this week's Wednesday Wisdom topic after a massive cyber attack called 'Petya' took down A.P. Moller-Maersk’s IT systems and also hit major firms, airports and government departments across the globe.

Check out last week's insight: The World’s Largest Container Carriers

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