Wallenius Wilhelmsen is becoming the first global shipping company to adopt a fully AI-based approach to voyage optimisation across its entire fleet of 100+ ships.
The company will roll out DeepSea’s Performance Routing software, which provides vessel-specific route and speed plans, in the final quarter of 2022 and 2023.
Geir Fagerheim, SVP Marine Operations at Wallenius Wilhelmsen, said: “No human being, no matter how many years of experience they have, can compete with these automated sailing instructions.
“It reduces emissions, it reduces fuel consumption, and it increases safety during operation. It is a win-win in all aspects of sailing.”
The decision followed 18 months of trialling.
The trial saw a 6.9 per cent improvement in vessel efficiency and more than 170,000 tonne predicted reduction in emissions across the fleet.