In a bid to highlight good examples and exchange experiences between Europe’s ports in order to develop a more effective and sustainable transport corridor, Mr Pat Cox, European Coordinator for the ScanMed Core Network Corridor, brought together 25 CEOs from Europe’s core ports as part of the ScanMed Ideas Laboratory workshop.
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Mr Cox said: “The ScanMed Corridor, which I have the privilege to coordinate, offers many good examples in the fields of efficiency, collaboration and sustainability. It is my goal to facilitate peer-to-peer exchanges.
“This ideas lab in Copenhagen Malmo Port was a wonderful success: almost every port along the ScanMed Corridor was represented, and very interesting examples were presented. Collaboration is key for Europe's future transport system.
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“For that reason, this ideas lab was just a start of a larger exercise, bringing together, among others, train operators, logistic companies and rail-road terminals.
“This will certainly encourage the emergence of innovative ecosystems, including new businesses and environmental friendly solutions.”
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Johan Rostin, CEO of Copenhagen Malmo Port (CMP) AB, said: “Being a so-called European core port, which CMP is, entails a major responsibility and places requirements on effectiveness in order to be attractive.
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“We view collaboration with other ports as self-evident, both nationally and internationally, in order to support development of the future transport system.
“The discussions yesterday have maintained a high level and been very rewarding. I am really positive about continuing discussions in the future.
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“Naturally, we are particularly proud that the European Commission has chosen to locate the first meeting here in Malmö.”
Fact File: The ScanMed corridor links Scandinavia with the Mediterranean Sea. The multimodal route passes through eight European countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Italy and Malta, and extends over several regions which together generate more than 27% of the EU's GDP. The ScanMed Corridor utilises the existing infrastructure effectively, taking into account, local shipping and ocean-going vessels, but also railways, roads, airports and rail-road terminals.