Seafarers Saved From Cargo Ship Blaze


The Italian Coast Guard, the Guardia Costiera, saved 18 seafarers after the HALA B, a general cargo ship caught fire three miles away from the Italian port of Chioggia in the Adriatic Sea, according to a statement.

The Guardia Costiera said all crewmembers were “in good health” and that the quick reactions of the firefighters aboard tug boats extinguished the fire and prevented serious injuries.



It is believed that the fire began in the vessel’s engine room at 1800 on February 26, 2019, and an alarm was raised to the Guaria Costiera and the Chioggia Port Authority.

A recent Port Technology technical paper explored how to make vessel visits more efficient 

Following that, six tug boats were deployed to extinguish the fire and the operation was completed by approximately 03:30 on February 27, 2019.



The vessel was predominantly carrying wood and it is believed to be entirely undamaged. According to Vessel Finder, it is still at anchorage off Italy’s east coast.

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