Scienco/FAST, UniBallast unveil ballast water system

Scienco/FAST, UniBallast unveil ballast water system

Scienco/FAST, along with UniBallast, has announced the launch of the portable InTankFITT Container, a containerised version of its filterless Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS), InTank.

This solution is designed to address the growing regulatory and operational challenges in ballast water management:

  • Compact and Portable Design: The containerised system is preassembled and housed within a shipping container, enabling one treatment system to be shared between two or more project vessels or barges that do not require regular ballast water treatment.

  • Regulatory Compliance: InTank’s automated treatment provides assured compliance – treatment is checked twice and the TRO is recorded before discharge with automated, easy-to-read treatment reports available to the crew, port authorities, and customers before discharge. 

  • Operational Efficiency: The filterless design eliminates the need for a complex and lengthy filtration process, reducing operational downtime and maintenance requirements. Fitted to a port-based ballast water reception barge, InTank’s non-filter and in-tank treatment makes receiving water from a discharging vessel very simple.

  • Scalable and Flexible: ideal for retrofits and temporary applications, the container design can be mounted on the deck or placed on a temporary platform for operation. The system’s compact design allows it to be housed in a standard 20-foot container, facilitating worldwide shipping. InTank water treatment is not linked to ballast operations, removing stress during intake and discharge.

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“The application for the SciencoFAST InTank Container is for up to 50,000 deadweight tonnage (DWT) (or system can treat 500-5,000 m3 of ballast water, up to 12 tanks (upgradeable) and all water types), which is a significant portion of the market,” said Rudy Mes, Sr. Vice President.

“UniBallast offers this as both a product and a service, and this new capability not only simplifies ballast water management but empowers ship-owners and operators to achieve compliance with confidence and ease.”

Last year, the Montreal Port Authority (MPA) and Contrecoeur Terminal Constructors General Partnership (CTCGP), formed by firms Pomerleau and Aecon, signed an agreement for the Contrecœur expansion project.

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