Samskip joins European retrofit project

Samskip joins European retrofit project

Samskip has announced its partnership in the HyEkoTank project, an initiative supported by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme.

Samskip will retrofit its multipurpose vessel Samskip Kvitnos with cutting-edge hydrogen fuel cell technology developed by TECO 2030.

The Samskip Kvitnos retrofit is scheduled for completion in 2025 and is expected to significantly reduce emissions while maintaining operational efficiency on Samskip’s established routes.

The vessel operates on a fixed route from Rotterdam along the Norwegian west coast to Hammerfest.

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Samskip aims to keep the Samskip Kvitnos compliant with upcoming regulations such as the FuelEU Maritime and EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). By retrofitting the vessel with zero-emission fuel cells, Samskip is also addressing the need for zero emissions in Norwegian world heritage fjords by 2030.

“We have spent years actively pursuing sustainable solutions across our fleet, and this retrofit of the Samskip Kvitnos aligns perfectly with our vision for the future of shipping,” said Erik Hofmeester, Head of Vessel Management at Samskip. 

“Working alongside TECO 2030 and the HyEkoTank consortium, we are ensuring that the Kvitnos not only meets but stays ahead of the zero-emission targets set by the EU and Norwegian authorities, all while continuing to provide reliable service for our customers.”

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“Our collaboration with TECO 2030 is a key part of our journey to achieving net zero by 2040,” Hofmeester continued. 

“By investing in retrofitting existing vessels like the Samskip Kvitnos, we are maximising the environmental impact of our operations while ensuring long-term sustainability and competitiveness in a rapidly evolving industry.”

Samskip’s inclusion in the HyEkoTank project is further supported by other partners, including Shell, Umoe Advanced Composites, and the Arctic University of Norway.

Together, the consortium will implement advanced technologies that enable zero-emission navigation in European coastal areas and the Norwegian fjords, safeguarding these regions for future generations.

Earlier this June, TECO 2030, in collaboration with BLOM Maritime and Samskip, received a grant for a pre-project to equip Samskip’s vessel Kvitnos with TECO 2030 fuel cells and hydrogen fuel.

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