Social media has played a major role in developing relationships and allowing PTI to reach out to more followers with an interest in port and maritime content in 2015.
Since the start of January, 2015 PTI’s following has grown massively from more than 6,000 followers to the current 10,400.
This can be attributed to the increase in visual content within our online news, which has generated a much higher response from our audiences on Twitter and helping us to increase impressions (number of times user see a piece of content) and the number of engagements.
PTI has discovered that LinkedIn has accounted for the most number of sessions, which are the group of interactions which take place in a given time frame, and were recorded at more than 5,600 in the last 30 days.
Closer analysis suggests that we have experienced a rapid transformation for the number of sessions on this platform. From January to April, 2015, Twitter was the predominant social site for acquiring sessions, until May, 2015 which saw LinkedIn overtake for engagement.
It appears that the evolutionary change in social traffic took place as a result of a combination of factors, most notably the use of infographics, big port and terminal operator news stories, as well as increased activity across a number of LinkedIn groups.
In the latter part of 2015, container shipping, in contrast to container port stories accounted for the majority of sessions acquired from social referrals. An example is the recent Maersk containerisation video, which gained more than 500 sessions more from social referrals than the next ranked news piece.