The Port Innovation, Engagement and Research (PIER), Canada’s first living lab for transportation, supply chain and logistics, has officially marked one year of operations.
The PIER is a member-driven organisation that advances projects in transportation, supply chain and logistics.
“The PIER champions innovation in supply chain transparency, sustainability, decarbonisation and port connectivity,” said Andrew Black, Director of Innovation.
“The PIER helps the Port of Halifax to become more efficient, sustainable and reliable.”
READ: SDP 2021: Working in unison with The PIER at the Port of Halifax
Throughout the year, PIER members advanced projects with several notable programmes including the Ocean Supercluster, Sustainable Development Technology Canada, the Ocean Startup Project, and Innovative Solutions Canada.
Large-scale events held throughout the year included:
- Community of Practice for Living Labs session with Transport Canada and National Research Council Canada.
- CDL (Creative Destruction Lab) Atlantic Fall Ocean Session.
- Economist Impact’s World Ocean Tech & Innovation Summit opening reception.
- Member Days held on 2 May 2022 and 19 October 2022.
The PIER currently has 41 members, six Founding Partners, and two Industry Partners with additional partners and members expected to join in the upcoming year.