MSC shipping line has announced that it will reinstate Seattle on the Eagle service, which connects Asia to North America.
The first sailing after the omission is now estimated to depart from Kaohsiung on 10 April on the Maersk Seville vessel.
The revised port rotation will be the following: Kaohsiung – Xiamen – Yantian – Ningbo – Shanghai – Busan – Vancouver – Seattle – Yokohama – Busan – Kaohsiung.
Whilst the situation improves on the Eagle service, MSC released two statements last week to announce adjustments to its sailing programmes on the Asia-US-Canada and Australia-Asia networks.
In an effort to reduce the container backlog at the Port of Seattle, SSA Marine introduced an Extended Dwell Time Fee for Terminals 18, 5 and 30 last November.
The changes follow last week’s congestion improvements on the AE7 service announced by Maersk.