Port Authority of Valencia boosts rail connectivity across regional supply chain

cosco valencia

The Port Authority of Valencia will improve rail access to the Port of Sagunto as part of a €100 million ($118.9 million) improvement of railway trade flows between Valencia, Teruel and Zaragoza.

The PAV said it has launched a new rail service with CSP Iberian Rail Services between Valencia and Zaragoza. The new service will servce three weekly rotations linking the Mediterranean-Cantabrian Corridor and other goods in and out of the Port of Valencia.

 Additionally, the new service will connect companies in the region to more than 1,000 ports in 168 countries, according to the PAV. It is, the PAV said “an opportunity to boost the competitiveness” of the region and develop international trade.

The Zaragoza rail terminal will guarantee the connection with two of COSCO Shipping Ports’ maritime terminals in the ports of Valencia and Bilbao, the PAV said.

The company said it seeks to reinforce the connection between its terminals on this route, so that in the future, depending on the evolution of this section, it will study extending the service to the group’s terminal in Bilbao, CSP Iberian Bilbao Terminal.

The aim of this and other investments is to encourage new business opportunities and logistic development through the railway, the modal integration and the connection with the Trans-European transport networks. 

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