PEMA rings the changes with committee appointments

  • New chair & vice chairs for respective committees

The Port Equipment Manufacturers Association (PEMA) has appointed a new chair and vice chairs to its environment and technology committees.

Claus Burger, global market manager, container handling at Conductix Wampfler, has been selected as the new chair of the PEMA Environment Committee (EVC), and Lorène Grandider, marketing manager at global energy management specialist Schneider Electric's shore power division, has been made the EVC's vice chair.

“By working together and pooling our expertise, the ports and terminals sector has the chance to make genuine contributions to sustainability, and I'm thrilled to be part of this process that PEMA helps make possible,” said Grandider.

The EVC provides information on the development and application of technologies that reduce the environmental impact of the ports and terminal industries.
EVC members are drawn from a broad cross-section of equipment manufacturers and technology companies. The EVC serves as a platform for suppliers to exchange views and experiences, share best practice and build long-term relationships with key stakeholders.

In another recent appointment made by PEMA, Kari Rintanen of Finland-based global equipment manufacturer, Konecranes, has been appointed as vice chair of PEMA’s Technology Committee.

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