Peel Ports’ 20-year Sheerness Master Plan


Peel Ports’ plan for a 20-year growth strategy for the Port of Sheerness has received overwhelming backing from local residents, according to the results of a community and stakeholder consultation programme.

Peel Ports is also involved with a tri-modal port project to be implemented at the Port Salford site in the UK and will be the first of its kind in the UK.

The Port of Sheerness master plan was created by Peel Ports to inform the local community and key stakeholders of its proposals for sustainable expansion of the port estate, and to gather feedback.

The master plan also details Peel Ports’ ambition to create around 1,250 jobs over the next 20 years, enabling it to remain a key employer and investor in the region.

Miles Hearn, Port Director, said: “We are keen to progress our strategic commitment to grow and develop the Port of Sheerness over the next 20 years and showcase our long-term ambition to remain a key employer and driver for sustainable growth in the Swale region.

“The response to our public consultations has been phenomenal and the fact that almost 300 people attended them shows how important the future of the port is to people in the area. 

“The master plan sets out our intentions of how we plan to develop the port so it remains a key employer and driver for growth in the Swale region for the next two decades.”

Peel Ports will now undertake a comprehensive review of all feedback received during the public consultation so changes and additions to the draft master plan can be considered.

The publication of the final master plan is expected in 2016.

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