New Liebherr LHM 550 for UK’s Port of Tyne

  • Tyne’s new £3.5 million crane will handle bulk and conventional cargoes

The UK’s Port of Tyne has taken deliver of a new Liebherr mobile harbour crane this week.

Arriving fully assembled, the Liebherr LHM 550 crane rolled off the heavy carrier vessel MERI at Riverside Quay on Wednesday.

At a cost of £3.5 million the crane will be used for the handling of bulk and conventional cargoes including coal, grain and wood pellets. In addition, the crane can also be used to help accommodate project cargo.

“This is another major investment in port infrastructure and will significantly improve the efficiency of our cargo operations,” said Steven Harrison, Port of Tyne’s chief operating officer.

The LHM 550 crane is designed for versatile cargo handling with a maximum lift capacity of 144 tonnes and a radius of 54 metres.

This latest investment brings the total number of cranes in operation at the Port of Tyne to five harbour mobiles, two portal cranes and two container gantry cranes.

The new crane will be commissioned later this week and is expected to be fully operational within two weeks.

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