More than 20 bids for proposed Vizhinjam port


Global bids were invited for construction of a breakwater and private partners for dredging reclamation, berthing facility and super port structure.

More than 20 global players have shown interest in the first round of bidding for the proposed Vizhinjam port according to reports in Indian media.

Port authorities had invited global bids for construction of a breakwater and private partners for dredging reclamation, berthing facility and super port structure off the Vizhinjam coast.
The Union Ministry of Environment and Forests gave the mandatory environment and coastal zone clearance for the Vizhinjam International Sea Port project in Kerala last month. 
It is the first greenfield port project in the country to receive eco clearance.
The project is proposed to be taken up under the public-private partnership (PPP) mode and on build, operate and transfer (BOT) basis.
The Kerala Government is expected to develop the breakwaters and approach channel and ensure road and rail connectivity together with providing back-up land for the port. 
The BOT operator will build the port infrastructure including berths and container yards, install cranes and other super structures.
Vizhinjam will have the advantage of deep berths and an approach channel up to 20 metres able to accommodate vessels up to 18,000 TEU.
Being a non-major port, Vizhinjam will be able to fix its own tariff based on a competitive market environment. 
The two-stage bidding process should be completed by April. Documents for the breakwater construction contract and for the port operator will be on sale from February.

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