The Tokyo International Container Terminal (TICT), operated by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL), has reached the milestone of 20 million TEU since it started operations in November 1971.
TICT welcomed its first full containership, ‘Kamakura Maru’, in December of the same year.
After 47 years of successful operations, it has now become the first terminal in the Port of Tokyo to reach such a high cumulative total.
Susumu Naruse, International Association of Ports and Harbors, Tokyo, Japan, discusses port sustainability in a recent Port Technology technical paper
TICT held a ceremony to celebrate the milestone, with guests from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Port and Harbour, Tokyo Port Terminal Co. and executives from Ocean Network Express (ONE), whose containers put TICT over the 20 million mark.
In order to enhance and expand its container terminal capacities, TICT has introduced a number of different measures since it opened.
These include the introduction of a series of high-capacity gantry cranes, which have established stable operations with cargo volumes increasing and successively larger vessels calling at the port.