Maritime Tech Innovator Signs Huge US Deal


Innovation experts and ports start-up accelerator theDock has signed an agreement with US-based marine transportation specialists Kirby Corporation to explore new technologies for the maritime sector.

According to a joint statement, the deal will see theDock look specifically at Kirby’s challenges, needs and opportunities

Furthermore, Kirby will join theDock’s community of global corporate partners, which currently includes Maersk, Wartsila, Lloyd’s Register and DSV.

This will give all partners the chance to collaborate together, which, the statement says, encourage creative ideation and pursue the best innovation practices.  

Hannan Carmeli, Founder and CEO of theDock, said such cooperation will improve technological innovation.

A brand new Port Technology technical paper looked at the trends in containerized logistics 

 “We are excited about the prospects of cooperation with a major inland and coastal operator in the US,” Carmeli said.

“We look forward to bring additional value to Kirby Corporation's shareholders by harnessing the latest technology to the benefit of the organization.

“Such technology could help improve operational effectiveness and efficiency, increase personal safety and keep environment cleaner.

“The unique combination of Kirby's know-how, methodologies and data, on the one hand, with theDOCK's access to innovative technology on the other, will prove a true win/win to both companies.”

David Grzebinski, Kirby’s President and CEO, said this: “We look forward to joining hands with theDOCK which offers insight into innovation in the maritime and other industries. It is an opportunity to embrace innovation and technology to support Kirby’s safety initiatives, improve operational agility and efficiency.”

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