Maersk Justifies Scrapping Scandal


Maersk has responded has responded to criticism regarding its use of contentious Indian and Bangladeshi scrapping yards by stating it believes it is encouraging an increase in conditions by having a presence in the region, reported Reuters.

PTI reported on Monday October 17, 2016 that Maersk had confirmed its use of dangerous ship scrapping yards in India and Bangladesh, and encouraging other companies to do the same, to take advantage of the low labour costs and high steel prices.

Although it was criticism mainly aimed at their use of these shipyards in 2014 alongside a German company, it has been confirmed they have used the shipyard at Shree Ram, Alang for two vessels this summer.

Simon Mehl Augustesen said: “We have established cooperation with Shree Ram and brought our ships to Shree Ram yard 78, knowing that the standards were not yet at the level of our standards.

“We consider our active presence in Shree Ram and Alang […] to improve conditions faster and more effectively, than waiting for our standards to be complied with.”

The Maersk standards that are not being complied with in these places are lack of safety measures, exposed gas cables and no ventilation, along with the environmental impact of shrapnel being discarded and chemicals not being disposed of properly.

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