Industry giant Konecranes has announced the two speakers that will share valuable insights at the upcoming PTI Terminal Automation & Training Conference taking place in London on April 19-20, 2017.
Vice President, Contract & Project Management, Ralf Konnerth (pictured left), and Head of Global Automation Sales and Port Solutions Marketing, Thomas Gylling (right) will aim to enlighten audiences with their automation expertise over the two day event taking place next month.
Read: Thomas Gylling's technical paper update on RTG automation
After finishing a degree in software engineering, Ralf Konnerth worked as a Commission Engineer of industrial robots for GMFanuc and ABB in the automotive industry before becoming a certified PMI Project Manager at ABB.
In 2003 he joined Gottwald Port Technology which later became Terex Port Solutions, which in turn merged with Konecranes and led him to his current role.
At the conference, Konnerth will focus on the challenge of complying with norms and regulations while interfacing between manual and automated operations.
Thomas Gylling is the leader of Konecranes Port Cranes Container Handling Automation Sales and Port Solutions marketing worldwide.
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Gylling has been at Konecranes for 13 years, ever developing his specialism on the container handling industry. His areas of focus have been in different managerial positions covering automation business, automation R&D, productizing and launching, and project delivery.
Recently he has been deeply involved in the company’s first automated RTG (ARTG) delivery project, which was recently successfully handed over for commercial operations, and will focus on driving up-time in automated terminals whilst speaking at the conference.
Follow the Terminal Automation & Training C-Level Networking Conference conversation on Twitter with #PTIEvent and view all the speakers announced by PTI so far.
Port Technology has also produced a video articulating the vision for the event.