Kalmar launches Kalmar Tracker for reachstackers


Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has today announced the launch of Kalmar Tracker at the Kalmar New Era for Logistics event.

Kalmar Tracker is an automated container information solution for reachstackers designed to enable safer and more efficient management of container movements. 
Manual management of container flows can be a time-consuming and error-prone process. Kalmar Tracker is a cost-effective solution for reachstackers that solves many of the typical customer challenges related to container handling by providing real-time information on container ID, weight and load centricity, and location.

The data is collected through systems installed on the reachstacker, and then made available from the Kalmar Insight web tool where customers also can keep track of their fleets’ operational data.

Kalmar Tracker includes three options:

  • Container ID recognition – Container IDs are automatically captured by high-definition cameras installed on the reachstacker’s spreader. IDs are recorded and registered for display in the Kalmar Insight performance management tool and/or the terminal operating system.
  • Container weighing – Containers are automatically weighed and the driver is advised of any positional adjustments that needs to be made to the container, or if the container is unsafe to handle. The verified gross mass data is applied to the container ID in accordance with SOLAS recommendations. 
  • Container location – A radar-based system enables container locations and stack positions to be tracked in real time. The system registers the position of each container in the yard together with the stacking row and height. This option will be available at a later date.

Customers can select the optimal combination of options to suit their business needs.

Alf-Gunnar Karlgren, VP, Counterbalanced Container Handlers at Kalmar, commented, “Kalmar Tracker is a result of our commitment to continuously develop innovative new tools that will help our customers to operate more safely and efficiently.

“This solution reduces the workload and increases safety for equipment operators and provides valuable data to help terminal operators streamline their processes, saving them time and money.”

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