An infographic released Dalian Maritime University Professor Theo Notteboom shows the top three ports in Europe by market share.
PTI previously reported that the Port of Antwerp was ranked number one for transhipment services in Europe.
In the infographic, the top three ports for market share are shown as the ports of Rotterdam, Hamburg and Antwerp, all owning at least 20% of Europe’s container trade.
To read a technical by Professor Notteboom on the challenges for the containerised reefer trade, click here
Rotterdam could be set to further increase its market share after the recent announcement that it plans to construct a new facility for handling LNG.
On a wider scale, a number of Asian ports are set to experience mega-growth between now and 2030, with an average year-on-year growth rate of 6%.
The Port of Shanghai is forecast to have 50 million TEU coming through the port in the next five years.
See below for the infographic:
(Source: Theo Notteboom)