In Pictures: The Dangers of Dock Working


Working at ports and docks can be dangerous for anyone, whether an employee, or visitor working on site.

Images have been compiled to show the dangers of handling shipping containers, and the consequences of the hazards that can take place at a port or dock.

A video has also been included to show the nature of port accidents and the co-ordination and teamwork which must take place to ensure incidents are dealt with quickly and efficiently.

Overloaded containers are a key threat.

In Pictures: The Dangers of Dock Working. (Source: Felixstowe Docker Blogspot)

Decreasing container topples without hampering port productivity is a key challenge.

To read our technical paper on how DP World Vancouver decreased container topples, click here

In Pictures: The Dangers of Dock Working. (Source: Izismile)

The weight of a container can easily crush a car…

In Pictures: The Dangers of Dock Working. (Source: Daily Mail)

Watch below to see a tense scenario play out at the Port of Los Angeles:

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