An infographic released by the Panama Canal shows the steps that a ship has to go through in order to complete a transit of the Panama Canal waterway.
In a previous technical paper published by PTI, it was detailed that a Panama Canal transit could take up to 15 hours. Around half of this time is spent waiting in traffic.
The Panama Canal expansion is set to be completed in early 2016, having had the final lock gate installed recently, which will speed up the traffic flow immensely.
Click here to watch a video of the April update
The Panama Canal is to introduce its new toll structure around February 2016, which seeks to impose toll rates for different types of ships.
Despite the reoccurrence of strike-action at the US West Coast ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach recently, it has been argued that cargo flows will not be switched to the US East Coast.
See below for the infographic:
(Source: Panama Canal)