Following on from yesterday’s profile of RoyalHaskoning HDV’s Smart Ports and Business Development Director Nicola Clay, PTI has continued its countdown to International Women’s Day 2019 (IWD19) by opening up a technical paper from INFORM’s Dr Eva Savelsberg – ‘Launching Agile Optimization.’
Dr Savelsberg, in her role as Senior Vice-President at INFORM, is one of the maritime industry’s leading advocates for smart technology and its potential to improve port and terminal operations.
Her paper follows on from a previous one which went into detail on the benefits of terminal operating systems (TOS) and the potential return on investment that can be gained.
Read 'Launching Agile Optimization' by Dr Eva Savelsberg here
“Despite the best planning,” Dr Savelsberg says, “all too often ports find themselves operating at or, exceeding their designed capacity.”
Continuing, the paper goes into detail as to how aging handling equipment is holding some container terminals back and makes the case for ‘Agile Optimization Modules’ for their ability to deliver value across the terminal, from quay to yard and onto trucks and rail.
View INFORM's products for ports and container terminals in their supplier directory
It emphasizes how agile modules give terminals the change to use their infrastructure and equipment more efficiently and unlock existing capacity in the process.
To that end, Dr Savelsberg calls on ports and terminals to ask the question: “Is a physical expansion needed or can we be more efficient with the infrastructure we have?”
To find out the answer and see how technology can boost efficiency in terminal operations, download Dr Savelsberg’s technical paper ‘Launching Agile Optimization’ in the link above.
Make sure you return tomorrow when PTI will continue its countdown to IWD19.