Today (April 19, 2017) marks the first day of the Container Terminal Automation Conference and the start of many discussions between thought leaders in the automation and training sectors of the port industry on best practices with regards to cutting-edge automation solutions.
This year, the two-day conference looks at the need for terminal automation to remain efficient, safe and productive, with key themes including simulation, e-Learning, gamification, process automation, automated decision making and robotisation.
Just like last year, the format is ‘Question Time’ inspired, so you can directly ask questions and steer the sessions in a direction that best suits you.
But fear not if you can’t make the conference this year as a question can be submitted through the Port Technology Email and you can follow the conversations taking place on Twitter by using the #PTIEvent hashtag.
Watch out for two exclusive conference news stories coming out in the PTI Daily newsletter on Day Two (April 20) and the day after the conference (April 21).
As well as over 30 highly-knowledgeable speakers, the conference will have keynote speakers that will cause the sessions they’re featuring in to be especially well attended.
Port Technology’s keynote speaker for Day One is Inna Kuznetsova from INTTRA, who will be presenting the keynote address in the ‘Supply-Chain Collaboration and Automation’ session.
Kuznetsova will be followed by Nick Earle from Hyperloop One as the keynote speaker on Day Two in 'Beyond Moves Per Hour and the Future of Containerization'.
In the most-awaited session of 2017, Earle will summarize how today’s current level of automation investment is just the beginning.
The event will end with Gerhard Fischer from Siemen’s presenting the closing keynote address.
We look forward to seeing you over the next couple of days, but to get into the spirit of what’s to come watch Kuznetsova introduce the conference and some of the subjects she will be discussing below: